Installing and Configuring Anope on Linux
First, download Anope v1.8.7 here. After downloading the TAR archive, extract it by typing:tar xzvf anope-1.8.7.tar.gzAfter extracting the archive, navigate to the folder by typing:
cd anope-1.8.7Type
./ConfigYou will now be answering some basic questions.
Question 1: In what directory do you want the binaries to be installed?The default answer, /home/<user>/services is fine. Just press Enter. (Note: If asked to create /home/<user>/services, just press Enter)
Question 2: Where do you want the data files to be installed?The default answer, /home/<user>/services is fine. Just press Enter.
Question 3: Which group should all Services data files be owned by?Just press Enter.
Question 4: What should the default umask for data files be (in octal)?Just press Enter.
Question 5: Allow anope to automatically check for mysql libraries?Just press Enter.
Anope will now be configured. When prompted, type make.
When prompted, type make install.
Anope has now been successfully installed. It is now safe to delete the anope-1.8.7 folder and the TAR archive.
You should now have a services folder in the current user's home folder. To navigate to it, type:cd servicesDownload our example Anope configuration file here. Move it to the services folder, then open it with your favourite editor such as nano or pico.
Step 1 Find the line that starts with RemoteServer. If UnrealIRCd is running on the same computer that you are installing Anope on, keep intact. Change Sup3rSERViCE to the connection password defined in your UnrealIRCd configuration file in the password-receive line.
Step 2 Find the line that starts with ServerName. Edit in your IRC network's name instead of TestIRC.
Step 3 Find the ServerDesc line. Edit it with the description of the services server that will be on your network. This will show up in a /WHOIS on any network bot, in a line that looks like this:
ChanServ using TestIRC Network ServicesStep 4 Edit the ServiceUser line and add your network's name instead of TestIRC.
Step 5 You can edit the HelpChannel and LogChannel lines if you want, but the defaults are fine.
Step 6 Insert your network's name instead of TestIRC into the NetworkName line.
Step 7 Change the UserKey1, UserKey2, and UserKey3 lines each into random seven-digit numbers. None of the lines can start with a zero.
Step 8 Change TestIRC in the NSEnforcerUser line to your network's name.
Step 9 In the ServicesRoot line, add your nickname in. This will allow you to add and remove other services admins.
Final Editing
If you have been following since the previous Installing UnrealIRCd on Linux article, you now need to open up your unrealircd.conf file, located in your Unreal3.2 directory.Locate the services link block.
Change TestIRC in the first line of the block to your network's name. This must match what you have in the ServerName line in services.conf.
If Anope and UnrealIRCd are both being hosted on the same computer, do not change the hostname line. If Anope is being hosted on a different system, change to the IP of the system that Anope will be running on.
Now, you must uncomment the services link block. To do this, locate the /* that is right above the first line of the block. Remove it. Go to the end of the services link block and remove the */ that is found there.
The final step is to edit the ulines block in unrealircd.conf. Change TestIRC in the ulines block to your network's name. This must match what you have in services.conf. After that is done, save any changes that were made in the configuration files and close them.
If UnrealIRCd is already running, rehash it. If it is not running, start it.
It is now time to start Anope. Type the following commands:
cd cd services ./servicesCheck to see that services have linked (An easy way to check is to /WHOIS ChanServ).
Congratulations, you now have working services on your IRC network!