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Anope: Installing modules

Anope Services can be extended through the use of 3rd party modules, this enables extra utilities and commands, such as the extended BotServ commands many people like, and the ability to have more then one channel owner (~) at a time.

We recommend you use modules listed on the Official Anope modules site at Modules from other sites may not be relevant to your version, and could cause your services to crash.

When you have found a module make sure you download the right version, modules listed as being suitable for 1.7.x through to 1.8.3 should work on your version, unless you have Anope-1.9.1 and higher, in which case you need modules specific for your version. Also make sure you read the module page properly for any mention of extra steps you may need to carry out to make the module work.

1. Download the module file (.c / .cpp), and put it in your Anope source folder using your ftp program eg. WinSCP. The file needs to go in /src/modules of your Anope source, not straight into services/modules. This will either be Anope-1.8.x/src/modules or services/src/src/modules if your services was installed using the AutoInstaller.

2. Log into SSH and change directory to your Anope folder, again this depends on how your Anope was installed, one of the following:
cd anope-1.8.x replacing the x with your version (If services was installed by yourself or another human.)
cd services/src if your services was installed automatically

3. Run the following commands making sure there are no error messages after each has completed:
make modules (this compiles the modules into a .so file which anope can load.)
and then:
make install (this moves the .so file into your services/modules folder so it can be loaded.)

4. Before you attempt to load the module, now is the time to add any extra information that the module requires to be in services.conf, some modules for example ircd_vhostserv and bs_fantasy_ext require this. Most modules do not require this, but ones that do will most likely fail to load, or load, and then problems appear later.

5. You can now attempt to load the module by turning on superadmin (/os set superadmin on) and typing the following on IRC:
/operserv modload MODULENAME
The module name should be the same as the file you downloaded, without the extension.
eg. /operserv modload ircd_vhostserv

6. If services is restarted the module would be unloaded, so we need to add it into services.conf to get it loaded automatically on startup.
Using WinSCP or whatever ftp program you use, open services.conf located in the /services directory.
Look near the bottom for ModuleDelayedAutoload, here is where you list modules that are to be loaded automatically, it is space separated. Add the name of the module eg. ircd_vhostserv, to the list.