Fantasy commands allows you to use simple shortcuts in place of many of the NickServ, ChanServ, and BotServ commands. The available commands are listed below; to use them, just type the command indicated (for instance, For more information on a specific command, type !help command. The Fantasy commands are arranged in xxx areas:

Using Fantasy Commands

To use Fantasy commands, you first have to turn on the option, using this command:
/msg botserv set #channel fantasy on
For instance, if I wanted to turn on Fantasy commands in #topgear, I’d use this command:
/bs set #topgear fantasy on
Once Fantasy commands are turned on, you can use any of the commands below, as long as you have the proper access. In other words, you cannot kick someone if you’re not a hop or op on the channel.

General Commands

  • !HELP
     Syntax: !HELP
     Help for BotServ fantasy commands
     Syntax: !CMDLIST
      A list of all available fantasy commands
     Syntax: !IRCOPS
      Shows a list of all available global IRCops in the Status Window
  • !STAFF
     Syntax: !STAFF
      Shows a list of all available global IRCops in the Status Window
  • !MINFO
     Syntax: !MINFO
     Shows information about the module providing the brunt 
     of the fantasy commands.
     Syntax: !SVERSION
     Shows information about the Anope IRC Services version 
     and build.
  • !INFO
     Syntax: !INFO [ALL]
      Shows information about the channel. 
     The 'all' option is limited to founders and Services Admins.
  • Access Control Commands

  • !SOP
     Syntax: !SOP add nick
             !SOP del {nick | entry-num | list}
             !SOP list [mask | list]
             !SOP clear
     Maintains the SOP (SuperOP) list for the channel.
     The SOP list gives users all rights given by the AOP list, and adds
     those needed to use the AutoKick and the BadWords lists,
     to send and read channel memos, and so on.
     This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
     in that case you need to use the access list. See HELP ACCESS
     for information about the access list, and HELP SET XOP to know how
     to toggle between the access list and xOP list systems.
  • !AOP
     Syntax: !AOP add nick
             !AOP del {nick | entry-num | list}
             !AOP list [mask | list]
             !AOP clear
     Maintains the AOP (AutoOP) list for the channel.
     The AOP list gives users the right to be auto-opped on your channel,
     to unban or invite themselves if needed, to have their
     greet message showed on join, and so on.
     This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
     in that case you need to use the access list. See HELP ACCESS
     for information about the access list, and HELP SET XOP to know how
     to toggle between the access list and xOP list systems.
  • !HOP
     Syntax: !HOP add nick
             !HOP del {nick | entry-num | list}
             !HOP list [mask | list]
             !HOP clear
     Maintains the HOP (HalfOP) list for the channel. The HOP
     list gives users the right to be auto-halfopped on your channel
     This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
     in that case you need to use the access list. See HELP ACCESS
     for information about the access list, and HELP SET XOP to know how
     to toggle between the access list and xOP list systems.
     Provides access to the HOP (HalfOP) list.
  • !VOP
     Syntax: !VOP add nick
             !VOP del {nick | entry-num | list}
             !VOP list [mask | list]
             !VOP clear
     Maintains the VOP (VOicePeople) list for a channel.
     The VOP list allows users to be auto-voiced and to voice
     themselves if they aren't.
     This command may have been disabled for your channel, and
     in that case you need to use the access list. See HELP ACCESS
     for information about the access list, and HELP SET XOP to know how
     to toggle between the access list and xOP list systems.
     Syntax: !ACCESS add nick level
             !ACCESS del {nick | entry-num | list}
             !ACCESS list [mask | list]
             !ACCESS clear
     Maintains the access list for a channel.  The access
     list specifies which users are allowed chanop status or
     access to commands on the channel.
     Different user levels allow for access to different subsets of
     privileges; cf. /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LEVELS for more specific 
     information. Any nick not on the access list has a user level of 0.
     Syntax: !LEVELS set type level
             !LEVELS {dis | disable} type
             !LEVELS list
             !LEVELS reset
     The LEVELS command allows fine control over the meaning of
     the numeric access levels used for the channel.  With this command,
     you can define the access level required for most administrative functions.
     (The SET FOUNDER and SET PASSWORD commands, as well as this command, 
     are always restricted to the channel founder.) 
     LEVELS SET allows the access level for a function or group of 
     functions to be changed.
     LEVELS DISABLE (or DIS for short) disables an automatic
     feature or disallows access to a function by anyone other 
     than the channel founder.
     LEVELS LIST shows the current levels for each function or group
      of functions.
     LEVELS RESET resets the levels to the default levels of a 
     newly-created channel.
     (See /msg ChanServ HELP ACCESS LEVELS for more info.)
     For a list of the features and functions whose levels can be
     set, see HELP LEVELS DESC.
  • Channel Setting Commands

  • !AKICK
     Syntax: !AKICK add {mask | user} [reason]
             !AKICK {stick | unstick | del} mask
             !AKICK {list | view} [mask]
             !AKICK {enforce | clear}
     Maintains the channel AKICK list. See the ChanServ AKICK command for more details.
     Syntax: !BADWORDS add word [single | start | end | any]
             !BADWORDS del {word | entry-num | list}
             !BADWORDS list [mask | list]
             !BADWORDS clear
      Maintains the badwords list. See the  BotServ BADWORDS command  for more details.
  • !SET
     Syntax: !SET option parameters
     Changes channel's settings. 
     Available options:
     See the ChanServ SET command for more details on the following:
       founder       -  Set the founder of a channel
       successor     -  Set the successor for a channel
       desc          -  Set the channel description
       url           -  Associate a URL with the channel
       email         -  Associate an E-mail address with the channel
       entrymsg      -  Set a message to be sent to users when they enter the 
       bantype       -  Set how Services make bans on the channel
       mlock         -  Lock channel modes on or off
       keeptopic     -  Retain topic when channel is not in use
       topiclock     -  Topic can only be changed with TOPIC
       opnotice      -  Send a notice when OP/DEOP commands are used
       peace         -  Regulate the use of critical commands
       private       -  Hide channel from LIST command
       restricted    -  restrict access to the channel
       secure        -  activate services' security features
       secureops     -  stricter control of chanop status
       securefounder -  stricter control of channel founder status
       signkick      -  Sign kicks that are done with KICK command
       xop           -  Toggle the user privilege system
     See the BotServ SET command for more details on the following:
       noexpire      -  Sets whether the given channel will expire. 
                        (limited to SA)
       dontkickops   -  Protect channel ops against kicks by the services bot.
       dontkickvoices - Protect voices against kicks by the services bot.
       greet         -  Enable greet messages on join.
       fantasy       -  Enable fantasy commands on the channel.
       symbiosis     -  Allow the bot to act as a real bot.
       nobot         -  Prevents a bot from being assigned to this channel. 
                        (limited to SA)
  • !BKICK
     Syntax: !BKICK option {on | off} [ttb [params]]
     See the BotServ SET command for more details on the following options:
       bolds       -  Sets whether the bot kicks bolds.
       badwords    -  Sets whether the bots kicks for words in  
                      the badwords list.
       caps        -  Sets whether the bot kicks for CAPS.
       colors      -  Sets whether the bot kicks for colors.
       flood       -  Sets whether the bot kicks for floods.
       repeat      -  Sets whether the bot kicks for repeats.
       reverses    -  Sets whether the bot kicks for reverses.
       underlines  -  Sets whether the bot kicks for underlines.
     ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before he gets banned.
     Don't give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.
  • Channel Action Commands

  • !CLEAR
     Syntax: !CLEAR {modes | bans | excepts | invites | ops | hops | voices | users}
     Clears the specified option on the channel. 
     See the ChanServ CLEAR command for more details.
  • !TOPIC
     Syntax: !TOPIC [topic]
     Sets the channel topic. If no topic is given, the current 
     topic is displayed in the channel.
     The CTOPIC command clears the topic.
     This command is most useful in conjunction with SET TOPICLOCK 
     See the ChanServ TOPIC command for more details.
     Syntax: {!TAPPEND  | !APPENDTOPIC}  text to be appended to topic
     Appends the given text to the channel's current topic.
     This command is most useful in conjunction with SET TOPICLOCK 
     Syntax: !INVITE
      Invites 'nick' to the channel if the user is present on the network.
  • !UP
     Syntax: !UP
     Gives the user the modes he has rights to. This will unset modes if he has any
     the user has no access to.
     Note: A nick can only be specified by the founder of the channel or 
     a Services Root Administrator.
  • !DOWN
     Syntax: !DOWN [nick] [level]
     Unsets all modes. If the channel is moderated, it will reset voice,
     unless issued on another user by a founder. It is also possible
     to specify a target level. 
     The target level can be any one of the following:
        - q - Channel founder (modes +qo) (IRCd Dependant)
        - a - Protected Operator / Administrator (modes +ao) (IRCd Dependant)
        - o - Channel Operator (mode +o)
        - h - Channel Halfop (mode +h) (IRCd Dependant)
        - v - \"Voice\" (mode +v)
     If a target level is specified, the users' current privileges will be  
     replaced by the target one.
     Note: A nick can only be specified by the founder of the channel or 
     a Services Root Administrator.
  • !KICK
     Syntax: !KICK [nick [reason]]
     Kick a user from the channel.
     See the ChanServ KICK command for more details.
  • !KB
     Syntax: {!KICKBAN | !KB} [nick!]ident@host] [reason]
     This will kick and ban the specified user or all users matching the given 
     mask from the channel. If a mask is given and someone who should not be 
     kicked according to the channels' settings matches it, the command is 
     aborted before anyone is kicked or banned.
  • !TKB
     Syntax: !tkb or !tkban [nick | [nick!]ident@host] [time] [reason]
     This will kick and temporarily ban the specified user or all users matching
     the given mask from the channel for the specified amount of time. 
     If a mask is given and someone who should not be banned according to the
     channels' settings matches it, the command is aborted before anyone is 
     Also be aware that this command may not work with IPs for privacy reasons.
     If the time is not given or is invalid, it will default to 1 hour.
     The time should be given in the format <(s)/m/h/d>.
     Example: !tkb SillyTroll 10m Bye 
     This command will kickban the user SillyTroll for 10 minutes.
     Note: if Services are restarted before the ban expires, the ban will
     not be automatically removed.
  • Channel Modes Commands

  • !BAN
     Syntax: !BAN [nick | mask]
     Bans (a) user(s)/mask from the channel without kicking.
  • !TBAN
     Syntax: {!TB | !TBAN} [nick | [nick!]ident@host] [time]
     This will ban the given nick or hostmask from the channel for the specified
     amount of time. If the time is not given, it will default to 1 hour.
     The time should be given in the format <(s)/m/h/d>.
     Example: !tb SillyTroll 10m 
     This command will kickban the user SillyTroll for 10 minutes.
     Note: if services are restarted before the ban expires, the ban will
     not be automatically removed
  • !UNBAN
     Syntax: !UNBAN [nick | [nick!]ident@host]
      Removes the ban on a user.
  • !MUTE
     Syntax: !MUTE  [nick | mask]
     Bans or mutes the given nickname or usermask from the channel.  
     See the Silencing Users with Extended Bans for more details.
     Syntax: !UNMUTE  [nick | mask]
     Unbans or unmutes the given nickname or usermask from the channel.  
     See the Silencing Users with Extended Bans for more details.
  • !OP
     Syntax: !OP  [nick]
     Op yourself or another user.  See the ChanServ  OP command 
     for more details.
  • !DEOP
     Syntax: !DEOP  [nick]
     Deop yourself or another user.  See the ChanServ OP command 
     for more details.
  • !VOICE
     Syntax: !VOICE [nick]
     Voice yourself or another user. See the ChanServ VOICE command 
     for more details.
     Syntax: !DEVOICE [nick]
     Devoice yourself or another user. See the ChanServ DEVOICE command 
     for more details.
     Syntax: !PROTECT [nick]
     Protect yourself or another user (so you cannot be kicked). See 
     the ChanServ PROTECT command for more details.
     Syntax: !DEPROTECT [nick]
     Remove protection from  yourself or another user. See the 
     ChanServ DEPROTECT command for more details.
  • !OWNER
     Syntax: !OWNER
     Give yourself the owner mode. See the ChanServ OWNER command 
     for more details.
     Syntax: !DEOWNER
     Remove the owner mode. See the ChanServ DEOWNER command for 
     more details.
     Syntax: !HALFOP [nick]
     Halfop yourself or another user. See the ChanServ HALFOP command 
     for more details.
     Syntax: !DEHALFOP [nick]
     Dehalfop yourself or another user. See the ChanServ DEHALFOP command 
     for more details.