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Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

Anope: Installing modules

Anope Services can be extended through the use of 3rd party modules, this enables extra utilities and commands, such as the extended BotServ commands many people like, and the ability to have more then one channel owner (~) at a time.

We recommend you use modules listed on the Official Anope modules site at Modules from other sites may not be relevant to your version, and could cause your services to crash.

When you have found a module make sure you download the right version, modules listed as being suitable for 1.7.x through to 1.8.3 should work on your version, unless you have Anope-1.9.1 and higher, in which case you need modules specific for your version. Also make sure you read the module page properly for any mention of extra steps you may need to carry out to make the module work.

1. Download the module file (.c / .cpp), and put it in your Anope source folder using your ftp program eg. WinSCP. The file needs to go in /src/modules of your Anope source, not straight into services/modules. This will either be Anope-1.8.x/src/modules or services/src/src/modules if your services was installed using the AutoInstaller.

2. Log into SSH and change directory to your Anope folder, again this depends on how your Anope was installed, one of the following:
cd anope-1.8.x replacing the x with your version (If services was installed by yourself or another human.)
cd services/src if your services was installed automatically

3. Run the following commands making sure there are no error messages after each has completed:
make modules (this compiles the modules into a .so file which anope can load.)
and then:
make install (this moves the .so file into your services/modules folder so it can be loaded.)

4. Before you attempt to load the module, now is the time to add any extra information that the module requires to be in services.conf, some modules for example ircd_vhostserv and bs_fantasy_ext require this. Most modules do not require this, but ones that do will most likely fail to load, or load, and then problems appear later.

5. You can now attempt to load the module by turning on superadmin (/os set superadmin on) and typing the following on IRC:
/operserv modload MODULENAME
The module name should be the same as the file you downloaded, without the extension.
eg. /operserv modload ircd_vhostserv

6. If services is restarted the module would be unloaded, so we need to add it into services.conf to get it loaded automatically on startup.
Using WinSCP or whatever ftp program you use, open services.conf located in the /services directory.
Look near the bottom for ModuleDelayedAutoload, here is where you list modules that are to be loaded automatically, it is space separated. Add the name of the module eg. ircd_vhostserv, to the list.
Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

Installing and Configuring Anope on Linux


First, download Anope v1.8.7 here. After downloading the TAR archive, extract it by typing:
 tar xzvf anope-1.8.7.tar.gz
After extracting the archive, navigate to the folder by typing:
 cd anope-1.8.7
You will now be answering some basic questions.
 Question 1: In what directory do you want the binaries to be installed?
The default answer, /home/<user>/services is fine. Just press Enter. (Note: If asked to create /home/<user>/services, just press Enter)
 Question 2: Where do you want the data files to be installed?
The default answer, /home/<user>/services is fine. Just press Enter.
 Question 3: Which group should all Services data files be owned by?
Just press Enter.
 Question 4: What should the default umask for data files be (in octal)?
Just press Enter.
 Question 5: Allow anope to automatically check for mysql libraries?
Just press Enter.
Anope will now be configured. When prompted, type make.
When prompted, type make install.
Anope has now been successfully installed. It is now safe to delete the anope-1.8.7 folder and the TAR archive.


You should now have a services folder in the current user's home folder. To navigate to it, type:
 cd services
Download our example Anope configuration file here. Move it to the services folder, then open it with your favourite editor such as nano or pico.
Step 1 Find the line that starts with RemoteServer. If UnrealIRCd is running on the same computer that you are installing Anope on, keep intact. Change Sup3rSERViCE to the connection password defined in your UnrealIRCd configuration file in the password-receive line.
Step 2 Find the line that starts with ServerName. Edit in your IRC network's name instead of TestIRC.
Step 3 Find the ServerDesc line. Edit it with the description of the services server that will be on your network. This will show up in a /WHOIS on any network bot, in a line that looks like this:
 ChanServ using TestIRC Network Services
Step 4 Edit the ServiceUser line and add your network's name instead of TestIRC.
Step 5 You can edit the HelpChannel and LogChannel lines if you want, but the defaults are fine.
Step 6 Insert your network's name instead of TestIRC into the NetworkName line.
Step 7 Change the UserKey1, UserKey2, and UserKey3 lines each into random seven-digit numbers. None of the lines can start with a zero.
Step 8 Change TestIRC in the NSEnforcerUser line to your network's name.
Step 9 In the ServicesRoot line, add your nickname in. This will allow you to add and remove other services admins.

Final Editing

If you have been following since the previous Installing UnrealIRCd on Linux article, you now need to open up your unrealircd.conf file, located in your Unreal3.2 directory.
Locate the services link block.
Change TestIRC in the first line of the block to your network's name. This must match what you have in the ServerName line in services.conf.
If Anope and UnrealIRCd are both being hosted on the same computer, do not change the hostname line. If Anope is being hosted on a different system, change to the IP of the system that Anope will be running on.
Now, you must uncomment the services link block. To do this, locate the /* that is right above the first line of the block. Remove it. Go to the end of the services link block and remove the */ that is found there.
The final step is to edit the ulines block in unrealircd.conf. Change TestIRC in the ulines block to your network's name. This must match what you have in services.conf. After that is done, save any changes that were made in the configuration files and close them.
If UnrealIRCd is already running, rehash it. If it is not running, start it.

It is now time to start Anope. Type the following commands:
 cd services
Check to see that services have linked (An easy way to check is to /WHOIS ChanServ).

Congratulations, you now have working services on your IRC network!

Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

How to install Unreal IRCD with Anope Services

This explains in a few easy steps how to install UnrealIRCD with Anope.
First you need to have a shell with us, and then, wget a file with this command. wget
Then do unpacking: tar -zxvf Unreal3.2.9.tar.gz
Enter in the dir: cd Unreal3.2
Run this: ./Config
Read the information it gives you. Keep pressing enter on a default value, if you are not sure what to do, so just keep pressing ENTER
When its done, run this: make
And you are done! Now copy checkout our unrealircd.conf example, which is already edited, here: unrealircd file Now do the following: echo "" > unrealircd.conf; echo "" > ircd.motd; echo "" > ircd.rules
nano unrealircd.conf
Paste all text from our example to this and press CTRL + X and then write: Y and save it!
Then its time to start unreal ircd! Do this: ./unreal start
Thats it and if you have problems running it, you need to install gcc, make, libs etc.. Now lets do for services!

Services Linking and Installation ANOPE

tar -zxvf anope-1.8.7.tar.gz
cd anope-1.8.7
Hit enter all the time, just keep pressing ENTER
Do compiling: make
make install
Copy example.conf and rename it to services.conf
Make a edit for unrealircd linking
Run Anope: ./services
Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

PuTTY Download Page

PuTTY Download Page


Here are the PuTTY files themselves:
  • PuTTY (the Telnet and SSH client itself)
  • PSCP (an SCP client, i.e. command-line secure file copy)
  • PSFTP (an SFTP client, i.e. general file transfer sessions much like FTP)
  • PuTTYtel (a Telnet-only client)
  • Plink (a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends)
  • Pageant (an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP, PSFTP, and Plink)
  • PuTTYgen (an RSA and DSA key generation utility).   
For Windows on Intel x86
PuTTY: putty.exe

Posted by Unknown | 0 comments


Download mIRC

The latest version of mIRC is mIRC v7.29 for Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8 and can be downloaded through this page.

How do I download mIRC?

You can download mIRC by clicking on the Download mIRC button on the right.
If you are already using mIRC, this download will upgrade your current version of mIRC to the latest version and will keep your existing settings.
Once the download has finished, you can run the installer to install mIRC.
If you are new to downloading software or to mIRC, read our step by step guide for help.

mIRC can also be downloaded from one of our mirror sites. Many thanks to our mirror site hosts.

If you are using Windows 95/98/ME/NT, you can download an older version of mIRC from here. Please note that this older version is no longer being updated.
Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

Channel Modes

This section lists all of the possible channel modes that may be used with /MODE
An example of the use of this command is: /mode #chills +o Brigitte
a = Gives Channel Admin to the user
A = Server/Net Admin only channel (settable by Admins)
b = Bans the nick!ident@host from the channel.
       Extended bantypes are also available. (for more info see extended bans tutorial) [h]
c = Block messages containing mIRC color codes [o]
C = No CTCPs allowed in the channel [o]
e = Overrides a ban for matching users [h]
f = Flood protection (for more info see channel flood protection tutorial) [o]
G = Filters out all Bad words in messages with [o]
h = Gives HalfOp status to the user (Limited op access)
i = A user must be invited to join the channel [h]
I = Overrides +i for matching users [h]
j = Throttle joins per-user to ‘joins’ per ‘sec’ seconds [o]
k = Users must specify to join (for more info see Using Channel Keys) [h]
K = /KNOCK is not allowed [o]
l = Channel may hold at most of users [o]
L = Channel link (If +l is full, the next user will auto-join ) [q]
m = Moderated channel (only +vhoaq users may speak) [h]
M = Must be using a registered nick (+r), or have voice access to talk [o]
n = Users outside the channel can not send PRIVMSGs to the channel [h]
N = No Nickname changes are permitted in the channel [o]
o = Gives Operator status to the user
O = IRC Operator only channel (settable by IRCops)
p = Private channel (for more info see Using Channel Modes to Hide Your Channel) [o]
q = Gives Owner status to the user
Q = No kicks allowed [o]
r = The channel is registered (settable by services only)
R = Only registered (+r) users may join the channel [o]
s = Secret channel (for more info see Using Channel Modes to Hide Your Channel) [o]
S = Strips mIRC color codes [o]
t = Only +hoaq may change the topic [h]
T = No NOTICEs allowed in the channel [o]
u = Auditorium mode (/names and /who #channel only show channel ops) [q]
U = Block messages containing mIRC formatting codes [o]
v = Gives Voice to the user (May talk if chan is +m)
V = /INVITE is not allowed [o]
z = Only Clients on a Secure Connection (SSL) can join [o]


[h] requires at least halfop, [o] requires at least chanop, [q] requires owner
Posted by Unknown | 0 comments

IRCOp Commands

     Syntax: /INVITE nick channel
     Invites the given user to the given channel. (Must be a
     channel Op)
  • KICK
     Syntax: /KICK channel, channel user, user reason
     Kicks a user or users out of a channel, or channels. A
     reason may also be supplied.
  • OPER
     Syntax: /OPER userid password
     Command to give a user operator status if they match an
     Oper Block
     Syntax: /WALLOPS message
     Sends a message to all users with umode +w
     Syntax: /GLOBOPS message
     Sends a message to all global IRCops
     Syntax: /CHATOPS message
     Sends a message to all IRCops (local and global)
     Syntax: /LOCOPS message
     Sends a message to all local IRCops
     Syntax: /ADCHAT message
     Sends a message to all Admins
     Syntax: /NACHAT message
     Sends a message to all Net Admins
  • KILL
     Syntax: /KILL nick reason
     Kills a user from the network
     Syntax: /KLINE [+|-]user@host | nick [time to ban reason]
     Bans the hostmask from the server it is issued on. A
     kline is not a global ban.   time to ban is
     either: a) a value in seconds, b) a time value, like
     '1d' is 1 day or c) '0' for permanent.  Time and reason
     are optional, if unspecified set::default-bantime
     (default: 0/permanent) and 'no reason' are used.  To
     remove a kline use /kline -user@host
     Syntax: /ZLINE [+|-]*@ip [time to ban reason]
     Bans an IP Address from the local server it is issued
     on (not global). See kline for more syntax info.   Use
     /zline -*@ip to remove.
     Syntax: /GLINE [+|-]user@host | nick [time to ban reason]
     Adds a global ban to anyone that matches. See kline for
     more syntax info.      Use /gline -user@host to remove.
  • SHUN
     Syntax: /SHUN [+|-]user@host | nick [time to shun reason]
     Prevents a user from executing ANY commands and
     prevents them from speaking. Shuns are global (like
     glines). See kline for more syntax info. Use /shun
     -user@host to remove a shun.
     Syntax: /GZLINE [+|-]ip time to ban :reason
     Adds a global zline. See kline for more syntax info.
       Use /gzline -*@ip to remove a gzline.
     Syntax: /REHASH serverflags
     Rehashes the servers config file. Including a server
     name allows you to rehash a remote servers config file.
     Several flags are also available. They Include -motd -
     Only rehash all MOTD and RULES files (including tld {})
          -opermotd - Only rehash the OPERMOTD file
     -botmotd - Only rehash the BOTMOTD file      -garbage -
     Force garbage collection
     Syntax: /RESTART password reason
     Restarts the IRCD Process. Password is required if
     drpass { } is present.   You may also include a reason.
  • DIE
     Syntax: /DIE password
     Terminates the IRCD Process. Password is required if
     drpass { } is present.
  • LAG
     Syntax: /LAG server
     This command is like a Sonar or Traceroute for IRC
     server. You type in /LAG and it will
     reply from every server it passes with time and so on.
     Useful for looking where lag is and optional TS
     future/past travels
     Syntax: /SETHOST newhost
     Lets you change your vhost to what ever you want it to
     Syntax: /SETIDENT newident
     Lets you set your ident to what ever you want it to be
     Syntax: /CHGHOST nick newhost
     Lets you change the host name of a user currently on
     the system
     Syntax: /CHGIDENT nick newident
     Lets you change the ident of a user currently on the
     Syntax: /CHGNAME nick newname
     Lets you change the realname of a user currently on the
     Syntax: /SQUIT server
     Disconnects a server from the network
     Syntax: /CONNECT server port server
     If only one server is given, it will attempt to connect
     the server you are ON to the given server. If 2 servers
     are given, it will attempt to connect the 2 servers
     together. Put the leaf server as the first, and the hub
     server as the second.
     Syntax: /DCCDENY filemask reason
     Adds a DCCDENY for that filemask. Preventing that file
     from being sent.
     Syntax: /UNDCCDENY filemask
     Removes a DCCDENY
     Syntax: /SAJOIN nick channel, channel
     Forces a user to join a channel(s). Available to
     services & network admins only
     Syntax: /SAPART nick channel, channel
     Forces a user to part a channel(s). Available to
     services & network admins only.
     Syntax: /SAMODE channel mode
     Allows Network & Services admins to change modes of a
     channel without having ChanOps.
     Syntax: /RPING servermask
     Will calculate in milliseconds the lag between servers
     Syntax: /TRACE servermask|nickname
     When used on a user it will give you class and lag
     info. If you use  it on a server it gives you
     class/version/link info.
     Syntax: /OPERMOTD
     Displays the servers OperMotd File
     Syntax: /ADDMOTD :text
     Will add the given text to the end of the Motd
     Syntax: /ADDOMOTD :text
     Will add the given text to the end of the OperMotd
     Syntax: /SDESC newdescription
     Allows server admins to change the description line of
     their server without restarting.
     Syntax: /ADDLINE text
     Allows you to add lines to the unrealircd.conf
     Syntax: /MKPASSWD password
     Will encrypt a clear text password to add it to the
     Syntax: /TSCTL OFFSET +/- time
     Adjust the IRCD’s Internal clock (Do NOT use if
     you do not understand EXACTLY what it does)
     Syntax: /TSCTL TIME
     Will give a TS Report
     Syntax: /TSCTL ALLTIME
     Will give a TS Report of ALL servers
     Syntax: /TSCTL SVSTIME timestamp
     Sets the TS time of all servers (Do NOT use if you do
     not understand EXACTLY what it does)
  • HTM
     Syntax: /HTM option
     Controls settings related to high traffic mode. High
     Traffic Mode (HTM) basically disables certain user
     commands such as: list whois who etc in response to
     extremely high traffic on the server. Options include:
     -ON Forces server into HTM 
     -OFF Forces server out of HTM 
     -NOISY Sets the server to notify users/admins when
       in goes in and out of HTM      
     -QUIET Sets the server to NOT notify when going in 
       and out of HTM 
     -TO  <value> Tell HTM at what incoming rate to
     activate HTM
     Syntax: /CLOSE
     This command will disconnect all unknown connections
     from the IRC server.